Author: Subarno Subarno
I graduate from Geography and Environmental Science, UGM. I have experience working for government and private sector organization. In 2016 I worked for BAPPENAS involving in one map policy initiative and the development of Web GIS Perencanaan. Then I join with APRIL to develop the Greenhouse Gas Information System in collaboration with Winrock International. Currently I working in Daemeter as Data, Systems, and GHG Analyst. My expertise includes MRV, GHG accounting, Forest and Peatland Carbon Monitoring, HCV-HCS, and Palm Oil Traceability. So far I have Pyhton, R, and Java Script as my main programming language for spatial modeling, GIS and remote sensing processing, data manipulation, analysis, and visualization. I also utilize business Intelligences platform such Power BI, AGOL, EO labs Ecometrica, and Map Box.